Week9 - Phrasal verb
  1. Sign up - register
  2. Start over - start again
  3. Take back - return
  4. Talk into - persuade
  5. Tear down - destroy

My examples:

  1. If you want to get this information, you have to sign up for this.
  2. Yesterday I signed up for new course.
  3. If I can't manage something, I always start over.
  4. Our boss demands us to start over the project.
  5. Today at last I take back my books to the library.
  6. I always take back all my debts.
  7. My mother always talks me into cleaning up my room.
  8. I have to talk my boss into about my idea.
  9. This building was teared down last winter.
  10. I  teared down our memories about this awful happening.


Please, share your examples.

I friendly remind, you can write down your examples below in the comments, check out my article and correct me. I will do it for you and help you to improve English. Thank you.

Example of Week challenge (PowerPoint Presentation or PDF format)

Category: Week 9 | Added by: nata (24.02.2019)
Views: 413 | Tags: phrasal verbs, r Take back, Sign up, Tear down, Talk into, Start ove | Rating: 0.0/0
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