Week4 - phrasal verbs
  1. Find out - to learn something, understand, figure out, find a solution
  2. Give back - return something, take back
  3. Hand out - spread, distribute
  4. Hand in - submit
  5. Help out - help, assist

My examples:

  1. I found out you were not at the party yesterday, why?
  2. You have to find out the best solution of this problem.
  3. I need to give back this book to the library.
  4. This debt was given back today.
  5. Please, hand out this papers to everyone.
  6. Our company hands out wages every 2 weeks.
  7. I handed in my application.
  8. You have to hand in this form until November.
  9. Every day I go to the school to help out teacher.
  10. We help out each other in this group.


Please, share your examples.

I friendly remind, you can write down your examples below in the comments, check out my article and correct me. I will do it for you and help you to improve English. Thank you.

Example of Week challenge (PowerPoint Presentation or PDF format)

Category: Week 4 | Added by: nata (20.01.2019)
Views: 181 | Tags: hand out, hand in, week4, give back, help out, find out, phrasal verb | Rating: 0.0/0
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