Week6 - Phrasal verb
  1. Pass up - decide not to do, declane, skip
  2. Pay back - repay
  3. Pick out - choose
  4. Point out - indicate, pay attention
  5. Put away - place something to the appropriate place

My examples:

  1. I have to pass up your offer because I am going to go to the cinema with my wife.
  2. My boss passed up our suggestion.
  3. I lent money from the bank and have to pay back on January 16th.
  4. He refused to pay me back so I sue him.
  5. My son picked out a white pen instead black.
  6. The people pick out the correct answer.
  7. Our teacher pointed out our mistakes.
  8. The witness pointed out on that man.
  9. Please put all your books away.
  10. My son doesn't put away his toys.


Please, share your examples.

I friendly remind, you can write down your examples below in the comments, check out my article and correct me. I will do it for you and help you to improve English. Thank you.

Example of Week challenge (PowerPoint Presentation or PDF format)

Category: Week 6 | Added by: nata (03.02.2019)
Views: 217 | Tags: Put away, phrasal verbs, Pay back, Pint out, Pass up, Pick out | Rating: 0.0/0
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