Hi, guys!
Today is Sunday. It is murky dull day. Additional to the weather my son got a flu. My morning started with son's complains. And began... cranberry tea, immune medicine, pills for throat, camomile tea, tea....and then again cranberry... My son does not enjoy my treatment and try to avoid this.
Whole day I was watching amazing Russian movie about
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Просмотров: 304 |
Добавил: nata |
Дата: 23.12.2018
I can afford myself to say that I am flexible person. For example, my first job was a programmer, my second was administrative assistant. It is such a big difference. Unlike my second job, the first was more creative and interesting. But I enjoyed both of them and found a way to assist my department to be more successful by using my skills (see my topic about creativity). My work time was flexible, I often stayed at work overtime.
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Today I am going to write about my creativity and ability in solving problem.
Ok, for instance, when I came to my second job (administrative manager) in 2004year, I had to do a ton of paper works. It was so uncomfortable and not modern. It took time to find required information. Also our department worked with layout drawings and we had to draw them by hand.
I decided to make up a computer program. I used C# language and SQL Server to create this program. I entered all information to the databases, drew the layouts i
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Hi friends!
Today is Saturday, and I watched all series Star Wars. I was the couch potato :) Have you seen it? Do you like this film?
I like first 3 episodes and old versions, but version of 2014 and 2017years I do not understand. Why? Because the old version is finished with "happy end", and I reckon tha
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Просмотров: 409 |
Добавил: nata |
Дата: 22.12.2018